Taken from part of Lenka’s song “The Show

Nowadays,, I am not quite good. Hahaha,, I’m not crazy,, just a little unwell

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle

Life is a maze and love is a riddle

I don't know where to go I can't do it alone I've tried

And I don't know why

Slow it down

Make it stop

Or else my heart is going to pop

'Cause it's too much

Yeah, it's a lot

To be something I'm not

I'm a fool

Out of love

'Cause I just can't get enough

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle

Life is a maze and love is a riddle

I don't know where to go I can't do it alone I've tried

And I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment

I'm so scared but I don't show it

I can't figure it out

It's bringing me down I know

I've got to let it go

And just enjoy the show

P.S Thanks to my beloved friend Tania who help me study marketing,, haha

When we stand together as human

I was dazzled when I saw this quote

“ We asked you to help us work for that day when black wiLL not be asked to get back, when brown can stick around, when yellow wiLL be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, when white wiLL embrace what is right. That all those who do justice, love, and mercy... say ameen”

Damn right,, it’s all about racism..

From the old folks we know that racism issues are always there. Sometimes we don’t reaLized they were there. In cosmetic advertisement, in football match, in daily life.. So I have a question from my deepest heart.. How long we want to live in such circumstances?? Let’s answer the question with act!!


well,, let say that I'm a little bit shock when this afternoon I watched a what so called "sinetron" and saw the cast. Why?? One of the cast who is very naughty boy named ARSENNA!! Okay,, I'll repeat ARSENNA.. Once I thought that ARSENNA is a very rare name,, I've never imagine that I'll find that name again in my life beside the "Arsenna" that I've already known.. Hahaha,, it seems like the "Arsenna" as a naughty boy in the serial is actually not so different with the previous "Arsenna" (to be conclude,,)
p.s: I don't mean to be offensive,, but maybe i am offensive,, haha,, sorry for my crap over here,, yeahhh my bad.
...and sorry for the grammar etc...

My First Post

Hi my name Risa,, this is my first post. Bicara tentang film bioskop,, sekarang ini mungkin 2012 yang paling menyita perhatian. Hal ini tentu saja karena adanya ramalan suku mayan bahwa kehidupan di bumi bakal berakhir,, benarkah?? Klo kata temen gw sih “selama masih ada orang yang baik dan beriman, kiamat tuh blom terjadi, soalnya setau gw, yang kena kiamat orang jahat doang”. Emang sih gw pernah baca klo kiamat itu diperuntukkan untuk orang-orang yang udah ga beriman sebagai hukuman Tuhan. Yaa tapi siapa tau Tuhan berubah pikiran,, :D

Balik lagi ke filmnya, sebenernya gw bingung deh apa yang aneh dari tuh film sampe2 bikin heboh. Menurut gw itu film biasa aja,, malah agak garing deh. Trus kenapa semua heboh bilang tuh film menyesatkan, menggiring opini publik, dll. Kayaknya MUI musti membuka diri untuk hal-hal baru yang sesuai perkembangan zaman deh,, jangan main ngelarang-ngelarang sembarangan. Lagipula, dari dulu juga udah ada film tentang kiamat contohnya armageddon (the best movie ever), knowing, dll. Dan seperti biasa film2 begitu endingnya g jelas (apalagi knowing,, ampun deh yang bikin endingnya minta digampar)

Kayaknya kita emang butuh film-film kayak gitu,, supaya kita sadar hidup tuh g selamanya. Supaya kita lebih menghargai kehidupan dan orang-orang yang ada di sekitar kita.

“ We don’t live forever, So let’s make our life worth to watch ”